Short guide to research & science positions in Serbia
A few lines about the types of positions that you could expect to be advertised by the universities and research institutes in Serbia. Some criteria are prescribed by the law, but they typically differ across scientific fields and also, institutions.
Research titles
- Research apprentice, RAp (enrolled in graduate academic studies, or specialist academic studies in the year of completion of the basic academic studies, involved in scientific research work, overall grade at least eight – 8), equivalent to position of teaching associate.
- Research associate, RAss (enrolled in doctoral studies, overall grade of at least eight (8), involved in scientific research work and has reviewed scientific papers published.), equivalent to position of teaching assistant.
Scientific titles
- Scientific associate, SAs (holds PhD, has reviewed scientific papers and other research results published), equivalent to position of assistant professor.
- Senior scientific associate, SSA (scientific associate conditions + citation rates, project leaderships), equivalent to position of associated professor.
- Scientific advisor, SAd (same as senior sci assoc), equivalent to position of full professor.
Criteria for career advance
For each scientific field are in detail specified the type, minimum of quantitatively expressed results and criteria for assessment of the quality of scientific research work, required for acquiring a title, i.e. reelection to a position. For election or reelection, scientific council of the organization make decisions – it nominates the commission of at least three credible members.
SAs and SSA are acquired for the period of 5 years (with possibility for re-election for two more terms), while SAd is permanent. RAp is acquired for the period of 3 years (without the right to re-election). RAss is acquired for the period of 3 years, with max one more term to re-elect.
Following factors are considered: duration, awards and recognitions (invited lectures, memberships in the scientific associations, event scientific committees, editorial boards of the journals) and results (number of published papers, technical reports, books, monographs).
The division is made according to a quantitative evaluation of the factors listed above, where each contribution is expressed in certain number of points. For example, the paper published in the top journal is assigned 8 points, while the paper published in proceedings of the international conference is assigned 1 point; PhD thesis contributes with 6 points, etc. Minimum number of points, as requirement to be elected in the scientific title varies among the groups of sciences. For example, for the title of scientific associate, a candidate has to have a minimum of 16 points for natural sciences.