Whether you are Serbian researcher planning to develop your career in the heart of European Research Area, or you are from abroad, eager to taste the special excitement of doing research in Serbia, you are at the right place.
The portal is a gateway to a Serbian EURAXESS Services network, which provides free and personalised assistance on the challenges faced by researchers and their families when relocating, as stated in The EURAXESS Services Commitment.
EURAXESS portal helps you to enjoy your research in Serbia
Entry conditions/visas
Before travelling to the Republic of Serbia, please check here whether you need a visa. Be sure to contact your host organization regarding the formalities about your stay. Check our page on Entry conditions/visas to find more about the details related to temporary and permanent stay in Republic of Serbia.
Health Insurance
Foreign citizens, as well as Serbian citizens who live and work abroad, are entitled to receive urgent medical care. Check out on EURAXESS portal how to claim your right to healthcare. Find useful contacts on our dedicated page to health insurance.
Work permits
Work permits are required for foreigners employed in Serbia and are issued with a validity of 3 to 12 months. Find out what are the steps for obtaining the work permit. Find out about the different employment types in Serbia and general working conditions on our dedicated page.
Research funding
The funding opportunities for research&science are mostly related to bilateral scientific cooperation. Find out about the terms and conditions for getting the funds for travelling to your collaborators organization in different countries.
Serbian research landscape
What does it mean to be a research in Serbia? Find out about how research is funded, How PhD programmes are implemented, how does international cooperation contribute to the quality of the scientific results and much more, on our dedicated page on EURAXESS portal.
R&D Organizations in Serbia
The research in Serbia is mostly done in public sector. Majority of research organizations are in higher education sector, with addition of major, independent public research institutes.
Follow the links below to get familiar with Serbian R&D sector. Learn about the research position classification and about how to become a member of the strongest science community in Serbia - PhD students.

National R&D Funding

In 2012, some 5% of the total budget (government) for science in Serbia was allocated for development of human resources. This budget is spent on the programs of incentives and funding for researchers.
A part of the budget is also allocated for international cooperation programmes, mostly through the programmes of bilateral cooperation.
Most of the R&D funding in Serbia comes from the national budget, through the programmes of basic research, technological development and innovation fund. However, Serbia is also associated to FP7 and Horizon 2020 programmes with full participation rights.
Working Conditions
Full research freedom, coverage of health and pension insurance costs by the employer, rising competitiveness in European projects are the main qualities of working conditions in Serbian research community.
HRS4R process has started in Serbia with University of Niš, as the first one to get awarded with 'HR Excellence in Research' label. The process of drafting HR strategies is ongoing in all public universities.

Interactive tools for personalized assistance - get personalized assistance
The Serbian EURAXESS portal publishes the detailed and comprehensive information about resolving many different issues related to relocation of researchers and their families.
The interactive tools for personalized assistance are a new way to help you with specific, custom information.
Learn where to find the documents and/or assistance in getting them. Curious about how much it costs and when you can get the job done?
Answer few questions to get a personalized list of the documents you need to do a specific relocation or professional career related task. Find the exact locations of offices who provide the relevant services on Google Maps.
Checkout the tools below.

EURAXESS Serbia is a co-founder of a unique cross-border infrastructure for providing services to aspiring sci-entrepreneurs - the EURAXESS Startup Hub.
We partner with organizations from Israel, Luxembourg, Estonia, Cyprus, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro to provide access to huge potential of local startup support infrastructures in these countries.